Tuesday, November 11, 2008

some of MY awesome ancestors who served their Countries

This is my Grandpa Gwilliam
He served in the US Navy in WWII
He served in Okinawa
and in Hawaii

This is him coming home
This is my Grandpa Bailleul
He served in the French Army in WWII
This is my Great Grandpa McLaren
He served in the Scottish Army in WWII
This is my Grandma Bailleul's Favorite Cousin
Robert Harvie
He served in the Scottish Royal Artillery in WWII
These are two of my Grandma Gwilliam's Brothers
Ellsworth and Lloyd Brown
They served in the US Air Force in WWII

December 7, 1941, began a dramatic time in the life of Edith Hill Brown, for this was the start of America's involvement in World War II. Sons Kenneth, Ellsworth, Lloyd, and Ralph all served in the Armed Forces. The three older boys were all bombardiers in the Air Force at the same time. Their mother wrote a poem, "A Mother's Prayer," which tells a little of her feelings.

A Mother's Prayer
Three bombardiers are somewhere in the skies tonight

Three precious boys, scarce past their teens.

Protect them by thy grace and might,

Let me have faith in Thee, Supreme.

All of the boys returned safely after their tours of duty and filled missions for the Church. All of the
children but LeGrand were married in the temple and have been blessed with lovely faithful families. After Lloyd's third child was born, he was serving in the National Guard and was killed in a training accident of a jet fighter near Boise, Idaho in 1956. This was a sad time for all the family. I think I'll go call my dad and thank him for his sacrifice. Love, Gordon
(I believe LeGrand suffered from debilitating illness his entire life - Helen)

Brother-in-law of my Grandma Gwilliam,
Dick Galloway
He served in the US Army
Charles Hill, ancestor to Grandma Gwilliam
Serving for the US
Golden Return Hill, ancestor to my Grandma Gwilliam
Serving for the US

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